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Polish-Ukrainian High-Tech Hub 2017: Polish venture capital funds are going East

Polish-Ukrainian High-Tech Hub 2017 is a joint undertaking of Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), the Ministry of Development and Startup Hub Poland Foundation. The project’s aim is to enable Polish-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of financing innovations. Under this project, numerous prominent Ukrainian technology startups and Polish investors will have the opportunity to establish business relationships that may result in increased supply of innovation in Poland.

Polish-Ukrainian High-Tech Hub combines both Ukrainian and Polish expectations. Representatives of Ukrainian innovators are looking for financing and opportunities to enter the West European markets, and on the other hand, the Polish VC market is looking for new, prospective investment targets. This is the first project of that kind in Ukraine. The meeting will be held during the networking conference, which takes place on December 8th in Kiev.

– Ukraine is an important business partner for Poland. Apart from the close proximity, we also combine the quality and multiplicity of talents and specialist competence that are a leverage for innovation – says Tomasz Pisula, PAIH President of the Board

Until November 30th investors of the Polish venture capital market, who invest in technology startups, may register to the Polish-Ukrainian High-Tech Hub 2017 – a trade conference in Kiev connecting Polish investors with Ukrainian companies from the following fields:

  • bio-tech;
  • advanced material engineering
  • or artificial intelligence.

– In the view of a globalizing labour market and more intensive trade, any initiatives conducive to innovation and solving complex problems which humanity faces, are particularly desirable and it is our mutual interest to support them. IT and biotechnology industries, which are included in highly innovative sector, have been officially listed on the Polish list of the most promising economy sectors (…) and I am glad, that thanks to such events, we enable Ukrainian startups to find a stable source of funding in Poland – adds Pisula.

Under the project every Ukrainian startup, innovator, inventor and author of an innovative project can submit his or her idea in the announced call for projects. The only precondition is to fill out the application form in English.

Based on the applications, Startup Hub Poland Foundation will conduct a preliminary assessment of startups’ potential and select 30 projects, which will be presented at the event in Kiev. The leading polish VC funds will also have an option to arrange quick meetings in the form of speed-dating with chosen projects.  
The registration for startups ends on 20th November, for investors on 30th November. Last free places for investors can be booked on a dedicated website.

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