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Alerted to smog – check experiences of Airly team from Scale Up program

They describe themselves as smogfighters – check how team of a Polish startup Airly handled in the Scale Up competition and what they gained thanks to the acceleration program run by the KPT. 

Airly is a startup from Cracow created by a group of students from the AGH University of Science and Technology. Airly produces innovative sensors, used to measure the level of pollution. Where did they get the business idea? "The idea of establishing Airly was born of the need of lungs" – say the founders of the company.

A tackle with smog has become the topic of nationwide debate. Airly participated in a series of information campaigns. Startup's representatives wanted to make the best use of the moment of interest in problems connected to the smog and develop their business on a larger scale, as well as improve the current prototype of their solution. The future of the company was dependent on the development of their device. That is why, the team has applied for the KPT Scale Up acceleration program run by Cracow Technology Park.

Read details of acceleration and find out what startup has benefited from the program.

Do you want to share your own history of participation in one of the PFR Group programs? Email us at: [email protected].

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