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Podpisanie umowy na realizację programu Dobry Pomysł

36 finalists of Good Idea program were selected

From among over 600 ideas sent, experts chose 36 best, innovative projects. They will now receive the necessary support services and consultancy in further development.

The pilot program Good Idea was launched on 18 October 2017 – inspired by Ministry of Development (currently Ministry of Enterprise and Technology). The program was addressed to people who are creators of inventions with market potential or have interesting business ideas and need professional support in their market verification and further development.

Nearly 650 ideas have been submitted to the program so far. The winning projects underwent a four stage verification, during which the originators presented the innovativeness of ideas, proved that they had rights to them, defined recipients and determined the chances of commercialization of their solutions.

For each of the final ideas, analysts are currently preparing a detailed business plan, indicating development perspectives. In addition, depending on the type of project and the needs of its author, each Originator was granted one or two additional services: support in setting up a business, pitch deck or recommendations and documentation needed to apply for funding under instruments offered by PFR group and other institutions.

Selected projects include transport solutions in the field of electromobility, such as Ct-Go: an electric urban vehicle by Piotr Sułkowski or Eagles Bus by Sebastian Szczepaniak. National Smart Specialization (KIS): Intelligent Creation Technologies is also very popular including winners – Andrzej Wręczycki training simulator or Bogdan Kamiński's Set of Digital Programmable Educational Aids. The third, most popular category was Highly efficient, low-emission and integrated systems for generation, storage, transmission and distribution of energy, which is represented by such projects as: Graphene Thermoelectric GTG Generator by Michał Inglot and Power controller by Michał Grzesiczak.

Information on other ideas selected in the program can be found on the platform

Good Idea program is implemented by Polish Development Fund in cooperation with Investin, Fundacja Zaawansowanych Technologii and FIRE Foundation. More information and application form can be found at


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