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Recruitment for the Industry Accelerator for the yacht and boat sector is opened

The next edition of the Industry Accelerator, addressed to yacht and boat manufacturers has been launched. If you intend to develop your business and enter foreign markets, apply to the program and obtain professional support from the PFR Group.

The Industry Accelerator is addressed to small, medium and large companies planning to expand abroad or improve their current activity in the international arena.

You will gain an opportunity to start cooperation with the PFR Group, its partners, public administration and companies from the yacht and boat industry. The aim of the program is to identify and mitigate export barriers, as well as to gain practical knowledge about the tools and investment funds available within the offer of the PFR Group.

The initiative is dedicated to yacht and boat manufacturers but also to companies involved in the production of hardware, masts, sails, engines and equipment.

The program will last three months and consists of the following stages:

  • Solution Zones – a two-day workshop during which you will gain knowledge about export tools available within the PFR Group (22-23 October);
  • Dialogue Zones – a one-day meeting with public administration and experts during which barriers to industry development will be defined (between 4 and 29 November);
  • B2B Zones – individual B2B meetings with institutions from the PFR Group (between 4 and 29 November).

Recruitment to the program lasts until 7 October 2019. Learn more about the initiative on the dedicated website and register your company via a dedicated application form.

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