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Poland Prize - acceleration for European startups

As many as 9 accelerators were chosen by PARP to run programs under the Poland Prize program. The budget of the program increased from PLN 60 million to PLN 86.2 million. Among the accelerators taking part in the program are, among others MIT Enterprise Forum CEE, Accelpoint, Huge Thing, Space3ac, #OMGKRK and Krakow Technology Park.  

The aim of the accelerators will be to find start-ups with appropriate growth potential outside Poland that would like to start operating in our country. After the acceleration process is complete and the company is registered in Poland, it can count on a grant of up to PLN 50,000 , which may be spent on financing the first 3 months of operation, support of a start-up supervisor, hiring employees, establishing relationships and marketing activities. 

If a start-up makes contact with a local business partner during the acceleration period or during the first three months of operation, they may receive another grant of up to PLN 250,000 for acceleration and implementation of their solution. Accelerators operating under the Poland Prize are also to provide post-acceleration support. The entire program is to cover several dozen startups from all over Europe.  

- This is the second edition of the Poland Prize program organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. Its pilot version was implemented in 2018-2020 and helped bring over 100 young companies to Poland. The number of people willing to run new acceleration programs for foreign business talents shows that this format is becoming more and more popular. Such data makes us happy and shows that we play an important role in the global race for the attention of startups - assesses Mikołaj Różycki, vice president of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. 

The incoming edition of Poland Prize includes as many as 9 operators  

The previous edition of the Poland Prize was conducted by 5 entities - now this list has increased to 9. More entities joined the accelerators for the previous edition, space3ac and Huge Thing . These are MIT Enterprise Forum CEE, #OMGKRK, Kraków Technology Park, Accelpoint, Łódź Special Economic Zone, Kielce Technology Park and IDEA Global

One of the start-ups that completed the Poland Prize program was the Romanian Pago - We spent three months on acceleration, we got to know the market and then the decision was made to enter Poland as the first country outside Romania - he said in an interview with co-founder of the fintech company Adrian Cighi. 

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