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Prezes Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju, Paweł Borys, prezes PFR Ventures, Maciej Ćwikiewicz oraz wiceprezes PFR Ventures, Aleksander Mokrzycki wraz z przedstawicielami poszczególnych funduszy oraz PFR Ventures

PFR Ventures selected the first venture capital funds that will invest in startups

PFR Ventures – the first professional institutional investor operating in the fund fund formula on the Polish market has announed the first funds. We already know seven funds that will soon start activities aimed at offering financial support to innovative companies. PFR Ventures negotiates subsequent contracts under all five Fund of Funds.

PFR Ventures – the first professional institutional investor operating in the fund fund formula on the Polish market has announed the first funds. We already know seven funds that will soon start activities aimed at offering financial support to innovative companies. PFR Ventures negotiates subsequent contracts under all five Fund of Funds.

PFR Ventures has concluded agreements with the following entities:

PFR Starter FIZ:

  • Xevin VC;
  • KnowledgeHub;
  • Tar Heel Capital Pathfinder;
  • Ventures For Earth.

PFR Biznest FIZ:

  • SILBA.

PFR Otwarte Innowacje FIZ:

  • Montis Capital;
  • APER Ventures.

The above selected funds will support projects at various stages of development – from the idea (even before the first commercial sale) through the development of the finished product to foreign expansion. The start of the investment period in startups by the funds requires the approval of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. Today we have already seen their profiles and the first details regarding the investment strategy. If you want to learn more, read the presentation of all funds. Additional information will be published on the website

Seven funds selected by PFR Ventures

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