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Next call in Cross EU WBA program – apply and get support for your business

Until 20 August you can submit an application of your startup to Cross EU WBA program. If you want to present your firm in front of experienced experts, Business Angels and investors as well as to gain a chance for funding, do not hesitate – apply for the program!

Participation in the program will open you the doors to investors’ world. You will get the opportunity to present your idea in front of group of highly qualified specialists. After successful pitching session – you may get necessary financing for the development of your company. 

Cross EU WBA program is addressed to: 

  • women who are a founder or a manager of the startup
  • or startups which offer their products and services to women. 

The program includes networking session and workshops – on 8 August in Warsaw you can take part in the workhops "How to effectively present your company to investors".

Learn more about Cross EU WBA program and submit an application. Give yourself a chance and present your business idea in front of Business Angels from Poland, Spain, Greece or Slovakia. 

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