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Hyperloop in acceleration – learn more about Hyper Poland's experiences gained in the GammaRebels powered by Poczta Polska accelerator

Scale UP competition is conducted by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP). The initiative resulted in launching 10 accelerators throughout Poland, aimed at combining the potential of beginning, creative entrepreneurs with infrastructure, experience and corporate resources. The activity contributed to the development of over 220 new projects and at least 59 implementations of innovative solutions in the value chains of large companies. What are impressions of various comapnies about the program? Check the history of Hyper Poland!

Hyper Poland is a pioneer Polish company involved in the development of hyperloop technologies. The idea was popularized by Elon Musk, an American visionary and founder of i.a. Tesla and SpaceX. His concept assumes driving the vehicle with the help of magnetic levitation in a tube in which air pressure is low and the air resistance is reduced. Thanks to the solution travelling very fast with low energy consumption is possible, and the journey from Gdansk to Zakopane would last 45 minutes, from Wroclaw to Warsaw 25 minutes. 

While searching for a way to popularize their project and develop the product with new sources of financing, including large clients and State Treasury companies, Hyper Poland took part in the GammaRebels acceleration program powered by Poczta Polska. The GammaRebels program focused on logistics issues, work optimization, digitalization of branches but also on financial and marketing innovations. It lasted three month. At that time, Hyper Poland could benefit from a wide support package – up to PLN 200,000 non-returnable funding for development, training and consulting services in the field of intellectual property rights or running a business. The team valued the most the direct contact with the management and employees of Poczta Polska or Bank Pocztowy and assistance of professional mentor. 

How does the company summarize its experience related to the program and how participation in the initiative influenced its development? Read the case study: "Hyperloop in acceleration" and learn:

  • how the acceleration process was conducted;
  • how the cooperation of the accelerator and company was processed;
  • what challenges start-up faced,
  • and what benefits the team has gained in the program.

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